Brain-Flexing IQ Tests

Brain-Flexing IQ Tests - Fraser Simpson

Want to know how your brain measures up? You can go to a psychologist's office, pay lots of money, take a boring standardized test, and find out what you knew all along — that you're a genius. Or you can have fun with this book.

You won't be able to get an official score, since despite the words 'IQ Tests' in this title, there has been no attempt to standardize these tests in the way a psychologist might. But who cares? If you were intrigued enough to pick up this book, then you must enjoy the idea of measuring your abilities even without an official scale. Or else you like puzzles. 


Fraser Simpson is a high school mathematics teacher and puzzle constructor living in Toronto. He specializes in cryptic crosswords, has written several books of puzzles, and is a proud member of the National Puzzlers’ League.

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